JScott Images

Guest Speaker on 2/18:

I really interested in how passionate he is in his work of photography. Here is the key points that I got out of his talk:


> Had the corporate job hated it and then went back to school for photography
> Went to Hawkeye for photography
> Advice: keep folder of inspirations, print out all fonts,
> Add photography into your design work
> Make sure to use your rule of thirds
> Want to inspire students and photographers to do what they love
> Don’t underprice yourself, you have been working your butt off so price yourself what you are think you are worth
> Don’t take all the pictures from the same perspective
> Expect the un-expected: think the worse of the photo shoot
> Keep photo shoot moving forward when other people are having an issue ex. lesbian couple-making out
> Keep the model comfortable
> Ask politely when asking for a model
> The easiest person to get along with is someone that you don’t know
> Have to be ready for anything and able to shoot and move to your subject
> Get as close to your subject as possible so no one will walk in front of you
> Be raunchy as possible to get the natural smile
> Get people in there element
> Any place can be a great background
> The best backgrounds end up being the ones that you are not expecting
> Simple backgrounds are sometimes the best
> All about vantage point

This was a very informational and he was a nice guy. He had great things to say to us and helped us with a lot of things that we are going to have to for this class. His work was very cool and he had awesome advice for us as design students. I learned a lot and am hoping that I can use this with my magazine and my photography sessions.

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